Corporate Announcements


S. No.FilesDownload
1Compliance CertificateClick Here
2Compliance CertificateClick Here
3Intimation of BMClick Here
4Outcome of BMClick Here
5Audited Financial resultClick Here
6Appointment of CS and CFOClick Here
7Intimation of BMClick Here
8Trading Window ClosureClick Here
9Outcome of BMClick Here
10UFR _30.06.2018Click Here
11Outcome of 24th AGMClick Here
12Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report of 24th AGMClick Here
13Compliance CertificateClick Here
14Compliance CertificateClick Here
15Intimation of BM to be held on 06.11.2018Click Here
16Outcome of BM dated 06.11.2018 for quarter ended 30.09.2018Click Here
17Intimation under Reg 30 of Contruction TenderClick Here
18Intimation of BM to be held on 14.02.2019Click Here
19Outcome of BM dated 14.02.2019 for qtr ended 31.12.2018Click Here
20Intimation under SEBI(PIT) Regulations, 2015Click Here


S. No.FilesDownload
1Closure of Trading WIndowClick Here
2Disclosure of COVID-19Click Here
3Outcome of BMClick Here
4Outcome of BMClick Here
5Intimation of BMClick Here
6 Confirmation Certificate under Reg 74(5) of SEBI(D & P) Regulations 2018Click Here
7Appointment of Company SecretaryClick Here
8Closure of Trading WindowClick Here
9Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on 14.11.2019Click Here
10Compliance under Reg 23(9) of SEBI(LODR)_30.09.2019Click Here
11Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report of 25th AGMClick Here
12Intimation under Reg 30 regarding Construction ContractClick Here
13Outcome of 25th AGMClick Here
14Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.09.2019Click Here
15Outcome of BM dated 14.11.2019 for the Qtr ended 30.09.2019Click Here
16Outcome of BM dated 14.08.2019 for the Qtr ended 30.06.2019Click Here
17Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on 14.08.2019Click Here
18Resignation of Company SecretaryClick Here
19Compliance under Reg 23(9) of SEBI(LODR)_31.03.2019Click Here
20Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr ended 30.06.2019Click Here
21Annual Secretarial Compliance Report for the year ended 31.03.2019Click Here
22Outcome of BM dated 30.05.2019 for the Qtr and year ended 31.03.2019Click Here
23Intimation of Board Meeting to be held on 30.05.2019Click Here
24Disclosure in respect of Borrowing by Large CorporateClick Here
25Intimation for Closure of Trading Window_Qtr and year ended 31.03.2019Click Here


S. No.FilesDownload
1Clarification on Price movementClick Here
2Confirmation Certifiate under Reg 74(5)Click Here
3Compliance under Regulation 40(10)Click Here
4Certiifcate under Reg 7(3)Click Here
5Diclosure under Reg 30Click Here
6Fund raising by issunae of Debt SecuritiesClick Here
7Trading WIndow ClosureClick Here
8Disclosure under 31(1) and 31(2)Click Here
9certificate under 74(5)Click Here
10Disclosure of COVID 19 impactClick Here
11Annual Secretarial Compliance reportClick Here
12Intimation of BMClick Here
13Outcome of BMClick Here
14Audited Result for 31.03.2020Click Here
15Reappointement of Managing DirectorClick Here
16Compliance under reg 23(9)Click Here
17Newspaper AdvtClick Here
18Annual Report_2019-2020Click Here
19Notice of 26 AGMClick Here
20Intimation of BMClick Here
21Newspaper AdvtClick Here
22Outcome of BMClick Here
23UFR 30.06.2020Click Here
24Outcome of AGMClick Here
25Closure of Trading WindowClick Here
26submission of voting resultClick Here
27Certificate under Reg 74(5)Click Here
28certificate under reg 40(10)Click Here
29Certificate under Reg 7(3)Click Here
30Intimation of BMClick Here
31Outcome of BMClick Here
32UFR 30.09.2020Click Here
33Receipt of OrderClick Here
34 Compliance under Reg 23(9)Click Here
35Change in DirectorsClick Here
36closure of trading WindowClick Here
37certificate under 74(5)Click Here
38Intimation of BMClick Here
39Outome of BMClick Here
40UFR of 31.12.2020Click Here
41Trading Window ClosureClick Here


S. No.FilesDownload
1 Intimation of Demise of DirectorClick Here
2Certificate under reg 74(5)Click Here
3Certificate under 793)Click Here
4Certificate 40(10)Click Here
5Fund Raising by Issunace of debt securitiesClick Here
6Intimation of BMClick Here
7Annual Secretarial Compliance reportClick Here
8Trading Window ClosureClick Here
9Outcome of BMClick Here
10AFR 31.03.2021Click Here
11Certificate 74(5)Click Here
12Compliane under Reg 23(9)Click Here
13Appointment of Independent DirectorClick Here
14Reg 39(3) Duplicate Share certificateClick Here
15Clarification on Price MovementClick Here
16Intimation of BMClick Here
17Outcome of BMClick Here
18UFR 30.06.2021Click Here
19Revision in terms of DirectorClick Here
20Newspaper AdvtClick Here
21Notice of 27 AGMClick Here
22Annual report 2020-21Click Here
23Newspaper AdvtClick Here
24closure of trading WindowClick Here
25Proceeding of 27 AGMClick Here
26Voting result of 27 AGMClick Here
27Certificcate 74(5)Click Here
28Intimation of BMClick Here
29Outcome of BMClick Here
30UFR 30.09.2021Click Here
31reg 23(9)Click Here
32Reg 39(3)Click Here
33Closure of trading WindowClick Here
34Clairification of Price MovementClick Here
35Certificate under reg 74(5)Click Here
36Intimation of BMClick Here
37Outcome of BMClick Here
38UFR 31.12.2021Click Here
39Closure of Trading WindowClick Here


S. No.FilesDownload
1Certificate under 7(3)Click Here
2Certificate 74(5)Click Here
3Reg 39(3)Click Here
4Reg 40(10)Click Here
5Fund Raising by Issuance of debtClick Here
6Fund rasing Annual DisclosureClick Here
7Intimation of BMClick Here
8Annual Secretarail Compliance reportClick Here
9reg 39(3)Click Here
10Outcome of BMClick Here
11AFR 31.03.2022Click Here
12Reg 23(9)Click Here
13Intimation of Closure of trading windowClick Here
14Reg 39(3)Click Here
15reg 74(5)Click Here
16Intimation of BMClick Here
17Outcome of BMClick Here
18UFR 30.06.2022Click Here
19UFR 30062022Click Here
20Amendment in MOAClick Here
21Appointment of Statutory AuditorClick Here
22Newspaper AdvtClick Here
23Annual Report 2021-22Click Here
24Notice of 28 AGMClick Here
25Newspaper AdvtClick Here
26Annual Report resubmissionClick Here
27Notice ResubmissionClick Here
28Outcome of AGMClick Here
29Trading Window ClosureClick Here
30Voting resultClick Here
31Change in Statutory AuditorClick Here
32Amendment in MOAClick Here
33reg 74(5)Click Here
34Intimation of BMClick Here
35Outcome of BMClick Here
36Newspaper advtClick Here
37Amendment In MOAClick Here
38Change in INClick Here
39Reg 23(9)Click Here
40Clarification in PriceClick Here
41Closure of trading WindowClick Here
42Certificate 74(5)Click Here
43Reg 39(3)Click Here
44Intimation of BMClick Here
45Outcome of BMClick Here
46Newspaper advtClick Here


S. No.FileDownload
1 Compliance Certificate under Regulation 74(5)Click Here
2Compliance Certificate under Regulation 7(3)Click Here
3Certificate Under Regulation 40(10)Click Here
4Disclosure – Large CorporateClick Here
5Price MovementClick Here
6Intimation of Board MeetingClick Here
7Outcome of BMClick Here
8RPT_31.03.2023Click Here
9Newspaper AdvtClick Here
10Reg 39(3)_Issue of Duplicate Share CertificateClick Here
11Loss of Share Certificate_39(3)Click Here
12KYC Letter_14.06.2023Click Here
13Loss of Share Certificate_39(3)Click Here
14Trading Window ClosureClick Here
15Loss of Share CertificateClick Here
16Reg 74(5)Click Here
17Reg 39(3)_Issue of Duplicate sharesClick Here
18Letter_signedClick Here
19Outcome of BMClick Here
20Reappointment of WTDClick Here
21Reg 47_Newspaper advtClick Here
22Reg 39(3)_Issue of Duplicate SharesClick Here
23Newspaper AdvtClick Here
24Notice_2022-2023Click Here
25Loss of Share CertificateClick Here
26Newspaper AdvtClick Here
27Reg 39(3)Click Here
28Trading Window Closure_30.09.2023Click Here
29Proceeding of 29th AGMClick Here
30Voting Result_30.09.2023Click Here
31Issuance of Duplicate Shares Certificate_Reg 39Click Here
32Reg 74(5)_Confirmation CertificateClick Here
33RPT LetterClick Here
34Trading Window Closure_31.12.2023 signedClick Here
35Issue of Duplicate Share CertificateClick Here
36Reg 74(5)_Compliance CertificateClick Here
37Intimation of BMClick Here
38Result 31.12.2023Click Here
39Trading Window Closure_signedClick Here


S. No.FileDownload
1Fund Raising by Issuance of Debt Securities by Large EntitiesClick Here
2Compliance under Regulation 40(10) of the SEBIClick Here
3Confirmation Certificate under Regulation 74(5) of the SEBIClick Here
4Compliance Certificate pursuant to Regulation 7(3)Click Here
5Intimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBIClick Here
6Outcome of BMClick Here
7Ann Sec Com ReportClick Here
8RPTClick Here
9Itimation of BMClick Here
10 Intimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBIClick Here
11Intimation-of-BM_30.05.2024-1Click Here
12Intimation of Closure of Trading Window in terms of SEBIClick Here
13Outcome of Board Meeting on 22nd Jun 2024Click Here
14Book ClosureClick Here
15Notice_2023-2024Click Here
16Annual Report_2023-2024Click Here
17Newspaper AdvtClick Here
18Reg 39(3)Click Here
19 Newspaper Advertisement of the Notice of 30th AGMClick Here
20Reg 74(5)_CertificateClick Here
21Intimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBIClick Here
22Intimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBIClick Here
23Intimation under Regulation 42 of SEBIClick Here
24Revised Intimation under Regulation 4.2 of SHBIClick Here
25Intimation Of Meeting of Board of DirectorClick Here
26Submission of Voting Results and Scrutinizers Report of the 30th Annual General
Click Here
27Proceedings of 30th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Company held on
Monday, 29th July, 2024 at 11:45 a.m.
Click Here
28Intimation under Regulation 30 of SEBIClick Here
29Result 2024Click Here
30OutcomesClick Here
31AllotmentClick Here
32Trading Window signedClick Here
33Cessation of DirectorClick Here
34Clarification of Price MovementClick Here
35Regulation 74(5)Click Here
36Quarterly resultClick Here
37CollaborationClick Here
38Closure of Trading WindowClick Here
39Change in name of RTAClick Here
40Reg74(5)Click Here